Your Flora Probiotic - Regenesis 60c


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Living Alchemy SKU: 62823391220

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Alleviates Bowel Congestion & Improves Transit Time, Post Antibiotics or Infection, Aids Liver Functions, Helps Support Intestinal/Gastrointestinal Health & Promotes a Favorable Gut Flora.

Key Ingredients: Kefi-Soy™: Symbiotic Blend, 266mg, Organic Fermented Freeze-Dried Soybean powder, soy milk, L. acidophilus, L.casei ssp. Pseudoplan- tarum, L. casei ssp. rhamnosus, L. delbrueckii. ssp. Lactis, L. fermentum, L. satumensis and L. coryniformis. Supporting Herb Blend
Organic Artichoke, 266mg, (leaf), Organic Chicory, 266mg, (root). Non-medicinal Ingredients: Organic pullulan capsule (Organic pullulan starch, water)