

Native Northwest SKU: 62911704299

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Wild Salmon
Running Raven
Soaring Eagle
Orca Family
Transforming Eagle
Killer Whale
Matriarch Bear

Native Northwest potholders are as functional as they are beautiful. Protect your hands while making a statement with stunning Indigenous designs that will bring your kitchen to life. Fully insulated high quality neoprene potholders, heat resistant, non-slip & waterproof, protects up to 415F/218C of constant heat.

Neoprene and cotton
Salmon: Francis Horne Sr. - Coast Salish
Whale: Ernest Swanson - Haida
Wild Salmon: Simone Diamond - Coast Salish
Soaring Eagle: Corey Bulpitt - Haida
Sashquatch: Francis Horne, Sr. - Coast Salish
Hummingbirds: Nicole La Rock - Coast Salish
Orca Family: Paul Windsor - Haisla, Heiltsuk
Transforming Eagle: Ryan Cranmer - Namgis
Moose: Francis Horne, Sr - Coast Salish
Killer Whale: Trevor Angus - Gitxsan
Matriarch Bear: Morgan Asoyuf - Tsimshian
Owls: Simone Diamond - Coast Salish